Residents in the district of Ubinas, one of three provinces in the southwestern region of Moquegua, are complaining about an active volcano in their district once again. The district of Ubinas is home to Peru's most active volcano, a stratovolcano also known as Ubinas. Townspeople in the area are complaining of migraines and respiratory illnesses which are being attributed to the ash, smoke and toxic gases the volcano is emitting. The gases the volcano is emitting have affected 800 people in the areas of Querapi, Ubinas and Sacoaya - all located in the Ubinas valley, said Jose Fuentes Flores, the regional Civil Defense director.
Saturday, April 26
Active volcano makes hundreds sick in Ubinas, Peru
Residents in the district of Ubinas, one of three provinces in the southwestern region of Moquegua, are complaining about an active volcano in their district once again. The district of Ubinas is home to Peru's most active volcano, a stratovolcano also known as Ubinas. Townspeople in the area are complaining of migraines and respiratory illnesses which are being attributed to the ash, smoke and toxic gases the volcano is emitting. The gases the volcano is emitting have affected 800 people in the areas of Querapi, Ubinas and Sacoaya - all located in the Ubinas valley, said Jose Fuentes Flores, the regional Civil Defense director.
Sunday, April 20
Kent Steadman 01/17/1942 - 04/19/2008
We change a lot of information with him for the last ten years. He gave us another vision of Life since we discovered his amazing site and forum.
We'll miss you Kent. Hope you'll find the best path to the stars.
John D.
& the Crew
Wednesday, April 16
Sunday, April 13
Saturday, April 12
Giant Underwater Volcano Discovered in Iceland Expected To Erupt At Any Time
Volcanologist Ármann Höskuldsson from the University of Iceland and a team of scientists recently discovered a giant volcano off Reykjanes peninsula, southwest Iceland, almost as as large as the peninsula itself, and expect it to erupt at any time.
In the center of the volcano there is a caldera measuring ten kilometers in diameter.
“People shouldn’t be surprised if there would be an extensive volcanic eruption underwater there soon. Nothing has happened for hundreds of years and it is in fact only a matter of time before there will be an eruption,” Höskuldsson told DV.
Since the volcano is at a depth of 1,500 meters eruptions would not have any effect on Iceland, except perhaps causing earthquakes.
The volcano’s discovery is considered significant because geographers believed it couldn’t exist in that area. “Such large volcanoes are not located on oceanic ridges. They are always drifting apart and that prevents a volcano from being created. This is why the volcano’s existence came as a surprise,” Höskuldsson said.
Why Is Arctic Sea Ice Melting Faster Than Predicted?
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Increase in volcanic activity is linked to ice melted by global warming
Melting ice caps may trigger more volcanic eruptions
Volcanic eruption in 1600 may have caused global cooling
London, April 12 (ANI): A new study has suggested that a volcanic eruption that happened in 1600 in the Andes mountains may have plunged the world into cold climate chaos.
According to a report in nature News, the eruption of the volcano, known as Huaynaputina, blanketed nearby villages with glowing rock and ash, killing some 1,500 people.
But it may also have had a far wider effect, by injecting sulphur particles high into the atmosphere and disrupting the climate worldwide.
Geoscientists had known that the eruption was big, but the new research addresses for the first time just how it might have changed society the world over.
Were talking about sudden and abrupt change over a very short period of time, said Kenneth Verosub, a geologist at the University of California, Davis. What would that have done to the global agricultural economy? he added.
For their research, Verosub and his coauthor, student Jake Lippman, trawled through historical records of crops, famines and other events in the years just after the Huaynaputina eruption.
According to them, the year 1601 featured several climate discrepancies.
Tree-ring records show that it was the coldest year in six centuries in the Northern Hemisphere - possibly due to the cooling caused by the sulphur particles spewed from the volcano.
The effect was felt on the other side of the globe, where a severe winter caused famine in Russia. Snow blanketed Sweden, leading to record flooding and a poor harvest.
Swarm of Earthquakes Linked To Volcanic Eruptions Detected Off Oregon Coast
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Another Explosion Occurs At Kilauea Volcano In Hawaii
Hawaii National Park Closed Amid Volcano Action, 2,000 Evacuated
Scientists say curious clouds could foretell earthquakes
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