For the second time this month, residents observed a huge migration of frogs and toads, the state-run Xinhua news agency said.
Residents of Zunyi, a southern city that saw little damage in China's huge earthquake last week, noticed the amphibians' march yesterday, Xinhua said, quoting Vice Mayor Zeng Yongtao.
Thousands of residents camped out in fear overnight in downtown Zunyi, the news agency said.
"We don't know what else we can do,'' Zunyi resident Liu Yong was quoted as saying.
Their decision to move outdoors coincided with a warning from seismological authorities that there may be another big aftershock in southwestern China's Sichuan province today following last week's tremor.
The May 12 earthquake - which left more than 71,000 people dead, missing or buried in rubble - also came after reports of unusual movement of frogs and toads.
Internet blogs showed footage of frogs and toads covering the streets of Mianyang in the days before the town in Sichuan province was ravaged by the earthquake.